09 Aug
Still Building for Crimson Trace M3GI, Midwest Outdoor Filming, and Dogs
Steven K. Ledin, August 9, 2013 
Videographer Dennis doing his magic
Got a few "Tips of the Week" done for Midwest Outdoors TV yesterday. The Weaver Tactical 4-20×50 in first focal plane is shown in Burris XTR rings with an EGW HD base on a Savage 10 McMillan in .308.
My Colt is coming together nicely, with a Crimson Trace vert foreend, and the awesome new Vortex Razor HD Gen II 1-6×24 scope in a Vortex QD mount. The mount WILL return to zero when reattached. I like the Hogue grips on black guns. I also have an LMT first gen buttstock, a Surefire flash hider, a Docter MRD on a Weaver offset mount, and a CMC trigger. Sampson foreend.

My old Colt’s been hot a lot lately
Dogs are good, so is My Shirley learning to ride!

Tinker Bella

TranRek (”Train Wreck”)

Crash Almighty in her bed

The most beautiful woman I know!

My beloved Shirley on an old Honda 250 scooter
My Shirley's learning to ride!
Gonna put a lot of practice rounds downrange this weekend. Hope you can, too!
About Steven K. Ledin
Steve has never not known guns. Before motorcycles, money, or girls, they have always been part of his life. He was tenured as General Manager of one of the country’s largest gun stores and ranges, a buyer in a big box sporting goods store, and is currently OpticsPlanet’s Director of Product Intelligence. He was a US Navy gunners mate, and is an NRA certified instructor in ten categories, as well as an Illinois CCW instructor. He shoots competitively and has hunted from Alaska to Africa. He thoroughly loves life with his beloved wife, Shirley, and their three wildish dogs Tinker, TranRek (pronounced “Train Wreck”), and Crash Almighty. He is a stubborn stage 4 cancer survivor not yet ready to cash in his chips.