Category Archives: Main Category

24 Sep

>Gun Preparation for Wyoming Antelope

Steven K. Ledin,

I’ll be revisiting an old friend for my Antelope hunt this year, a Ruger 77 rechambered for .270 Weatherby, given to me as a wedding gift from a former employer and friend. Cleaned the tube of any powder fouling with Hoppes#9, and the copper fouling with Shooter’s Choice Copper solvent. Polished the crown. Complete disassembly into major groups and lube. Polish and resealed the wooden stock. Lengthen the magazine well a few thousandths. Greased the safety. Cleaned and relubed bolt assembly. Reassembled gun with proper torque settings. Installed an older Kahles ZF84 10x scope and shot it …

22 Sep

>Actual Maximum Parallax Error in Inches Regarding Leupold Riflescopes Viewed from 50 to 400 Yards

Steven K. Ledin,

I’ll be leaving next Monday for an antelope hunt in Wyoming. I needed a new scope. Those of you who read this blog and my forum posts are aware that I don’t like bells and whistles and unneccessary functions that just get in your way and tend to take your head out of the game. An adjustable objective often does this because you’re always wanting to fool around with it and get the clearest picture possible. An AO is not always necessary anyway on big game with riflescope magnifications of 10, 12, or 14. Since I’ll be shooting a custom
13 Sep

>Lonesome Texas Doves with Breaking and Entering and Meat

Steven K. Ledin,

When we landed in our section of Texas it didn’t really seem like “Texas”. Not too many cowboy boots or hats or Skoal ads, just a lot of sprawling suburban anywhere buildings and malls dotted with Starbucks. It sure was a pleasure, though, to notice countless pickups with American name badges on them. Very few imports. God bless America. We had morning meetings, and then a lunch at a Mexican restaurant. A waitress made the guacamole fresh at our table, which I haven’t seen before. I was told that the wooden or sometimes stone bowls that the person uses to …

29 Aug

>Elk Stuffed Peppers and Smoked Alaskan Salmon

Steven K. Ledin,

My last batch of elk stuffed peppers will haunt your dreams like your favorite other fantasies, if you were lucky enough to have tasted them. Ground elk with perfectly cooked rice and our garden cherry 100 tomatoes folded into into it, stuffed into red, green, and yellow peppers from our garden. Cooked in a casserole dish half filled with a mixture of tomato soup and my own sauce made from our plum tomatoes and oregano. Cooked for about 1.5 hours at about 350 degrees, then covered to rest. I fit 13 huge ones into two batches, so I was able
29 Aug

>My Little Brother Joseph William Ledin, Age 44

Steven K. Ledin,

We lost my little brother Joe last Saturday. He had health and other issues most of his life, but it was still shocking and unexpected. His son Andrew just left for Afghanistan, months after enlisting in the army. The Red Cross got him back quickly. Joe left behind Andrew and daughter Ashley, and a grandson, as well as lots of friends and loved relatives. He will be missed. Another life cut short. I’m out of brothers now, having lost other little brother, Chris, a few years ago. They’re both with Mom now. Dad shouldn’t have had to go through this …