Category Archives: Main Category

16 Nov

>Bushnell Backtrack, Zebra Skin Rash and Knee Surgery

Steven K. Ledin,

One of the products I used on my last elk hunt was the Bushnell Backtrack. This personal locator/GPS is about the size of a pocket watch, and just about as easy to use. Turn it on and wait for a few satellites to triangulate your position. Set it to zero. Done. It will tell you how far and what direction to get back to the zero point. You may also set it for additional zeros, such as a road, a hunting stand, or maybe your car at the mall. This inexpensive unit could’ve saved my butt on
05 Nov

Another Successful Elk Hunt: The Bushnell Elk Excursion 2009

Steven K. Ledin,


October 28th, 6 AM. Outside John Day, Oregon.



Dark. Cold. 17 degrees when we woke up. The boys dropped me off with instructions to follow a barbed wire fence for a mile or so up the mountain (as the crow flies) and take a left and find a good vantage point. Music to my ears. Scary before sunrise by yourself. Real half-light Blair Witch Project-looking. Stranger in a strange land. My pack is heavy with emergency equipment, lots of water, food, extra clothing, and stuff to last a day in the elements. Fences there are held up

24 Oct

>Queasy on the Night Before the Big Bushnell Game

Steven K. Ledin,

11:30 AM Saturday, October 24th. Feels like the night before the big game.

I’m waiting in my Jeep for my shooting range to open.

I deep cleaned the Devil Gun and installed a Bushnell Elite 6500 2.5-16×42 in lapped Burris XTR rings.

I got back from my Colorado elk hunt sponsored by Burris last week and had a few days to clean up any issues at work before I leave Monday morning for another elk hunt, this time with Bushnell in Oregon.

Packing is easier this time because my gear was just proof tested on the hunt last week

19 Oct

Burris Elk Hunt 2009

Steven K. Ledin,

I checked zero on the "Devil Gun" at a range on the way to camp. No issues. Good to go.

I kind of hoped that I'd get a gentle knock on my cabin door by a cute little maid when it was time to wake from my feather bed. She would put a cup of good coffee on my bed stand with a coy smile and offer her best wishes for a good hunt while she clicked on the morning news. With a twirl of her skirt, and a turn of her perfumed ankle she would be gone, leaving me …

08 Oct

>Gone Elk Hunting

Steven K. Ledin,

Hunt time is here. Going to Colorado. CCCccold there right now, about 10 degrees. Talk to you next week, God willing.…