Category Archives: Main Category

10 Sep

5.11, Range Time, Exercise, and House Maintenance; Monkey Edition

Steven K. Ledin,

It's been a busy two weeks. After starting to break in a couple of guns in my basement (see "Barrel Break in Procedures…") I planned to take four .30 caliber guns to the range. While taking the stock off my new Weatherby Vanguard Sub-MOA in .300 Winchester Magnum, the factory bedding broke off around the front recoil lug. Crap. It seems as if some of the bedding material that flowed into the action screw hole wasn't attached very well to the surface of the pillar bedding, and it just gave up its grip.




I had some brown
24 Aug

>Donald E. Tipsword, a Shooter’s Friend

Steven K. Ledin,

I lost one of the best friends I will ever have yesterday morning. Donald E. Tipsword was a mentor to many, including me. He taught me a lot under his wing. He introduced me to the Masonic fraternity and employed me as a private investigator for a dozen years. I legally carried concealed weapons in Illinois in a non-law enforcement capacity, which is pretty much unheard of. I have Don to thank for a lot of what I am now. His wife and he got along as well as My Shirley and I do, which is remarkable in itself. He
17 Aug

Barrel Break in Procedures for 1800 (Mili)Meters, Basement Edition

Steven K. Ledin,

Shot a four inch, twelve shot group at 1800 meters this weekend during my barrel break in procedure. Actually, I mean millimeters, or about 6 feet. I have a Detroit Bullet Trap Super 12×12 bullet trap rated for velocities of up to 3200 FPS. The 180 grain bullet from my 300 Winchester Magnum is moving along at about 3000 FPS, 200 FPS under the trap's redline. This behemoth trap is on my basement floor at the moment, with its 12×12 inch mouth yawing open for any bullets I want to throw at it. Some of the many problems associated
12 Aug

>Burris XTB Bases and XTR Rings with Docter Red Dot for Break In Procedure

Steven K. Ledin,

I’ll be using the same gun for two consecutive hunts this October, and to facilitate the swapping of the two different riflescopes I’ll be using on these hunts, I opted to use Burris XTB Weaver style bases on my new Weatherby Vanguard Sub-MOA in 300 Winchester. With the low XTR rings it’s a good fit with plenty of room for the included flip up caps with my Burris 6X 2-12×40 #201951 scope installed for the first hunt. This new scope has a 6x magnification range and no external parallax adjustment, which I don’t really care for. With my
16 Jul

>How To Buy A Laser Rangefinder

Steven K. Ledin,

Here’s an article soon to be on our website:

How to Buy a Laser Rangefinder

Golf and Hunting: Priority Differences
Reticles and Aiming Points
Picture Quality
Battery Life
Size and Weight
Horizontal Mode
Scan Mode
Other Modes

Determining how your laser rangefinder will be used is the first step in ensuring that you choose the most useful model for your application. There are rangefinders for hunting, golf, and surveying. This article will deal mainly with golf and hunting rangefinders.

Golf and Hunting…Priority Differences

When a rangefinder reads the first object in its line of view