Category Archives: Main Category

28 Jan

>Shot Show 2009

Steven K. Ledin,

Chicago weather the third week in January was below zero as I left for Orlando en route to the 2009 Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade show. The annual SHOT show is the single largest shooting industry event in the country. Over 23,000 vendors this year, and it felt like it. With me this trip were some of the upper echelon of OpticsPlanet including our CEO, president, some folks from purchasing, and volume sales. I brought Ryan from my technical sales team with to pop his cherry at his first SHOT show. The temperature was in the 70s a couple of …

30 Dec

>2008 End of Year Blog

Steven K. Ledin,

Tonight is New Year’s Eve 2008, and it was another good year with lots of blessings for My Shirley and Rad and me. Started off a little rough in January with multiple series of cortisone shots in my neck. Not recommended. I probably needed them from craning my neck during nightly billiards. Or gawking at girls. Now My Shirley and I play darts instead. She’s getting really good and whoops me regularly. The injections did the trick, though, and things got better from there. Recorded a radio spot for Cannon. Took some employees to the range and did some filming
16 Dec

>Leupold Ultimate Slam Deer Season

Steven K. Ledin,

I drove with my friend Scott. We motored a few hours to Cass County, Illinois, for Muzzleloading deer season. I had an either sex and an antlerless tag. We met a couple folks down at the home we stayed in that also had tags. The house was only a few minutes away from the Illinois river, which we had to cross to get to the island where we were to hunt. Crossing a pitch black river would be fun in an unfamiliar boat.
The first morning we were up about 5AM. The wet gusts were making the 17 degree weather
09 Dec

>FastFire on Flattop AR

Steven K. Ledin,

The latest equipment on my black gun is my varmint set up, with a change or two. I installed a Leupold VX-III 4.5-14×50 in a pair of Burris XTR rings. This superb quality scope gives this half inch gun the capability to hit very small targets as far as I can see them, certainly in the several hundred yard range. The rugged 6 screw XTR rings are rock solid, and with the one inch height give me an optical center of 1.5 inches, which is perfect for a comfortable cheek weld. In place of the rear ring I installed the
02 Dec

>Leupold Reticles

Steven K. Ledin,

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about Leupold reticles. Even a google search states that most are wire. Not true. This was mostly true many years ago, but technology grows. All Leupold illuminated reticles are etched. All Mk IV, and VX-III, and VX-L, mildot, Boone & Crockett, and Varmint Hunter’s reticles are etched. The Duplex is not wire, either. It is a metal form stamping made out of a single, solid piece of steel. About the only wire reticles left are the CPC, target crosshair, and target dot. Not