Riflescope Blog: Expert's reviews, news, notes on rifle scopes, hunting optics, shooting, binoculars, night vision sights, gun accessories, and more
Riflescopeblog is written by Steven K. Ledin, OpticsPlanet’s Director of Product Intelligence. Follow Steve’s daring exploits as he shoots, travels, hunts, tests, teaches, modifies, and breaks the latest rifle scopes, red dots, lights, lasers and more. Get an insight into the corporate world of a professional gunbitch with a dose of his philosophical insight.
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Compass Alaskan Bear Hunt with EOTech 2011 Texas Pigs and Coyotes with EOTech Sights, Night Vision and Thermal Imaging From L-3, Lots of Hardcore Black Guns, $25,000 OPMOD Revolver, and Mudbugs Iowa Cold, Nikon M-223 on a 12 Gauge, Filled Tags, Butchery, and Food Leupold Antelope Hunt outside Casper Wyoming with CDS Dial Skill My Visit to Leupold and a Tunnel Dream Come True Burris Elk Hunt 2009 See All
Leupold Antelope Hunt outside Casper Wyoming with CDS Dial Skill
October 2, 2010>Gun Preparation for Wyoming Antelope
September 24, 2010
I’ll be revisiting an old friend for my Antelope hunt this year, a Ruger 77 rechambered for .270 Weatherby, given to me as a wedding gift from a former employer and friend. Cleaned the tube of any powder fouling with Hoppes#9, and the copper fouling with Shooter’s Choice Copper solvent. Polished the crown. Complete disassembly into major groups and lube. Polish and resealed the wooden stock. Lengthen the magazine well a few thousandths. Greased the safety. Cleaned and relubed bolt assembly. Reassembled gun with proper torque settings. Installed an older Kahles ZF84 10x scope and shot it …
Continue Reading>Actual Maximum Parallax Error in Inches Regarding Leupold Riflescopes Viewed from 50 to 400 Yards
September 22, 2010
>Lonesome Texas Doves with Breaking and Entering and Meat
September 13, 2010When we landed in our section of Texas it didn’t really seem like “Texas”. Not too many cowboy boots or hats or Skoal ads, just a lot of sprawling suburban anywhere buildings and malls dotted with Starbucks. It sure was a pleasure, though, to notice countless pickups with American name badges on them. Very few imports. God bless America. We had morning meetings, and then a lunch at a Mexican restaurant. A waitress made the guacamole fresh at our table, which I haven’t seen before. I was told that the wooden or sometimes stone bowls that the person uses to …
Continue Reading>Elk Stuffed Peppers and Smoked Alaskan Salmon
August 29, 2010jale+2.jpg)