06 Mar
Steven K. Ledin, March 6, 2008 
My friend Chuck the veterinarian is at it again. After picking my brain for a few months he splurged and bought a new Remington 700 Light Varmint Stainless Fluted in 22-250. It was a bit more than he wanted to spend initially, but he ponied up one time for the last rifle he will ever need (or so he thinks). He fell in love with the cartridge from using one of my guns last year in preparation for his first antelope hunt. The gun I loaned him was wearing one of the new
Simmons Master Series ProHunters in 6-24×44 with
Continue Reading → 29 Feb
Steven K. Ledin, February 29, 2008 
I’ve been supplying equipment for my local forest preserve biologist friends for about 20 years. These folks band birds and bats, relocate beavers, collar coyotes, and study every wild thing that lives in the woodlands and swamps. Population control of deer takes place most of the year including now. The carrying capacity of our woods for deer is from 9 to 11 deer per square mile. Some of our preserves have OVER 100! The latest package that was dropped off at my house was a new stainless 700 in .243. I lapped the barrel 777 times like I usually do,
Continue Reading → 27 Feb
Steven K. Ledin, February 27, 2008 
I was speaking to a colleague the other day that didn’t know what a drilling was. Drei (pronounced “dry”) is the German word for three. Three barrels on a gun is a drilling. Mine was bought in parts without wood and missing some metal pieces. I hooked up with a metalworker whose son was autistic and couldn’t care for himself but was a genius with wood. He made the stock without plans, and the blank was gorgeous. The rifle was built in Suhl by Edgar Keiss in the early thirties and is two 16 gauge 2 1/2″ barrels over an
Continue Reading → 27 Feb
Steven K. Ledin, February 27, 2008 
One of the best
first generation night vision units on the market is the
Bushnell Tactical Monocular # 262013. For most of 2007 I have been recommending this reasonably priced
tactical monocular because it comes with
headgear and is an excellent value. It offers a view better than most first generation
night vision products due to the tremendous influence
Bushnell has with manufacturers. They get some of the cleanest intensifier tubes available. This was a steal at $399.99 all year, but has been discontinued because of the supply being predicted as spotty in the future. Our negotiators have managed
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