Riflescope Blog: Expert's reviews, news, notes on rifle scopes, hunting optics, shooting, binoculars, night vision sights, gun accessories, and more
Riflescopeblog is written by Steven K. Ledin, OpticsPlanet’s Director of Product Intelligence. Follow Steve’s daring exploits as he shoots, travels, hunts, tests, teaches, modifies, and breaks the latest rifle scopes, red dots, lights, lasers and more. Get an insight into the corporate world of a professional gunbitch with a dose of his philosophical insight.
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Compass Alaskan Bear Hunt with EOTech 2011 Texas Pigs and Coyotes with EOTech Sights, Night Vision and Thermal Imaging From L-3, Lots of Hardcore Black Guns, $25,000 OPMOD Revolver, and Mudbugs Iowa Cold, Nikon M-223 on a 12 Gauge, Filled Tags, Butchery, and Food Leupold Antelope Hunt outside Casper Wyoming with CDS Dial Skill My Visit to Leupold and a Tunnel Dream Come True Burris Elk Hunt 2009 See All
Polishing my Bone, with Remington, FLIR, and ATN
December 19, 2014
Even a high pressure car wash wand won’t strip bones
I make jewelry for friends out of deer bones. I saw a Facebook thread that stated you can strip them easily with a pressure washer. Let me tell you, it doesn't work. You still have to soak them in high concentrate peroxide and strip by hand. Pressure washer hardly did anything. And by the way, don't boil them. I think it lessens the structural integrity, and the fat makes the bone a bit tawny colored.
I put a new CMC trigger in my Remington R-25. There have …
Continue ReadingZastava PAP 92 Pistol with Century Brace and MWI Handguard VS AK Maadi Rifle with Hogue
December 6, 2014
The above picture shows a Serbian Zastava PAP 92 AK pistol imported by Century Arms International with a Century SB-47 Stabilizing Brace and Midwest Industries handguard. I put it together for a friend last weekend. He also bought an MWI flash hider, but forgot to purchase the spring, detent and pin needed to hold it in place, so that's coming. I'll grind off a small spot weld and install the parts soon.
Whether legal or not, shouldering the pistol offers just about the same head position as the rifle, with my nose touching the rear of the receiver. The gun …
Continue ReadingThe Biologist
November 26, 2014
I started selling “The Biologist” guns and optics and night vision for population control of deer in the late 80s. He was employed by one of the largest counties in the state. Let’s just call him “The Biologist”. I was the head Gunbitch in the largest gun store and range in the same state.
We shared many interests and liked each other right away. I watched birds for the Cornell University of Ornithology every year for their “Backyard Feeder Survey”, and he knew so much about these creatures that like a good book, I couldn’t put …
Continue ReadingIWI Tavor Vs. 7.5″ AR Pistol with Sigbrace
November 12, 2014
AR-15 type guns are pretty much a commodity, and most are interchangeable. Sure, you can have different barrel contours, types and lengths, different forends, grips, sights, stocks, and bolt on stuff ad nauseam, but it's still an AR carbine. Those that live in locations that allow SBRs (Short Barreled Rifles) enjoy a pretty different feel to the familiar platform. Chop off a foot of barrel and the gun becomes even more lively and fast. Those that don't live in a state with that legal luxury may still enjoy the feel of an SBR by buying an AR pistol, or at least turning the pistol-registered lower …
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