04 May

>Elk Hunting and Exercise

Steven K. Ledin,


This October I have two elk hunts scheduled. The first one starts at 9500 feet and I expect this hunt to be the most demanding I’ve ever attempted. I think I may just shoot myself before I go so I won’t have to trouble anyone to carry my body back down the mountain. I’m not the perfect physical specimen these days. Not that I ever was. But I take my hunting very seriously, and know I have to get back into shape, so I started working out this weekend. I entertained some friends last Friday, and by Saturday morning the flotsam and jetsam of the wicked and debauched was piled around the game room and spilled into the gun room. My workout session consisted of three trips from downstairs to the recycling bin in the garage with arms full of empty beer bottles. Quite the exertion. Yep, I’m serious about getting in shape.

This obviously had nothing to do with this week’s cooking. Country ribs with Maytag blue cheese (you must try this best of all blue cheeses) and apple slices (fruit counts for good, right?), grilled pork chops with a fiery Jamaican rub, chicken pot pie with real cream, and chocolate cake and other health foods, too.

I did take a walk with Rad with the intention of losing an ounce or two. I doubt it took because when we go out he carries my beer and I eat peanuts. So I probably came back a bit heavier.

Reticles, Red Dots, and Lasers training is coming up this Wednesday. All the troops here are invited. If we head off a few questions a day and make the sales agents more familiar and comfortable with products, then both we and the customers win.

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