
Sometimes I get pretty saturated in my job, same as the cookies I soaked in milk during a midnight snack. This week was another busy one. I bring it home with me, too, but that’s okay. I would just do the same stuff anyway. After a long day of professional puttering with gun stuff and guns, I still read Gun Magazines for fun. It’s not all work.
Mounted a Bushnell Sportsman 3-9 with AO on a Remington model 5 bolt action .22 rimfire. Serbian manufacture. Some sharp places on the bolt, but it functioned without a hitch. Feeding from the metal 5 round magazine was perfect, and the bolt moved smoothly enough. Extraction was strong. Metal finish and bluing was good. Trigger was horrendous. The stock looked like a typical Remington stock, shaped and inletted very nicely. Hardware was okay. Nice looking little gun. I used Millett Angle-Lok 22 rings to mount the scope because the first rings I used didn’t have windage adjustments, and the 3/8 inch rail on top of the gun was not perfectly in line with the receiver, and I ran out of windage adjustment. I regularly use these excellent Millet rings for a variety of applications. I lapped the rings and deep cleaned the gun. I put it back together and mounted and boresighted it. With the strangely improved trigger the
gun let me shoot one hole groups in my 50 foot range with some old Peters high velocity stuff. Nice petite little gun, and quite attractive.

I mounted one of the new Redfield Revolution 3-9×40 riflescopes, also in lapped Millett rings, onto a Savage model 4M Deluxe bolt action .22 WMR that I’ve had for decades. I gave it a deep clean and will hope for some good shooting fun with it next range trip, especially because I have a bit of extra WMR that could use some shooting. I’ve always liked this regularly underestimated cartridge a lot.
Annual product training starts here next month. I’ll have a schedule distributed next week. This is a consuming time of year. Classes and the preparation for them calls for maximum effort, and is satisfying for me and my team. Most hopefully, the content is appreciated and assimilated by the students and associates in class.
My dad’s doing well, thanks. So is My Shirley and Rad, and we hope you are, too.
Spring is coming….
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